Events / Theatre Production : Supervision

Theatre Production : Supervision

From 5 July 2018 to 15 July 2018

LASALLE College of the Arts, 1 McNally Street, Singapore 187940

Teck, a prickly retiree has just suffered a stroke that leaves one side of his body paralysed. When he insists on moving back home, his daughter Jenny, decides to hire a caregiver – Yanti, a young Indonesian domestic worker who has never been to Singapore.


At first, Yanti dutifully follows the detailed regime that Jenny has drawn up. But Teck has his own stubborn opinions on how he should be cared for.


As part of Singapore Theatre Festival 2018, Supervision will explore pressing questions about privacy and dignity. What boundaries do we set up between us and those we consider strangers? And what happens when they are breached?


  • When: 5 – 15 July 2018, various times
  • Where: Flexible Performance Space, LASALLE College of the Arts (1 McNally Street, Singapore 187940)
  • Cost: $50 (excludes $4 SISTIC handling fee)


Click here to read more and purchase tickets.


*The 7.30pm performance on 7 July, will be simultaneously interpreted in Singapore Sign Language (SgSL) for the deaf and hard-of-hearing.