China, EU seek to save climate change accord

China, EU seek to save climate change accord

China and the European Union seek to save a global pact against climate change from which U.S. President Donald Trump said he will withdraw. In a statement backed by all 28 EU states, the European Union and China will commit to full implementation of the Paris Climate...
CEOs call for US to stay in Paris pact

CEOs call for US to stay in Paris pact

As US President Donald Trump nears a final decision on the Paris climate agreement, top corporate executives are mounting a last-minute push aimed at persuading Mr Trump that the U.S. has more to lose from abandoning the accord. The appeals from chief executives come...
Coffee and Climate Change

Coffee and Climate Change

Coffee production and consumption have risen considerably over the past few decades, with 2.25 billion cups of coffee being consumed daily worldwide. But the future availability and price of coffee are going to be impacted by climate change and farmers who grow it may...