Assam mulls over rolling out two-child policy

Assam mulls over rolling out two-child policy

The Indian state of Assam is looking to introduce a two-child limit to control its population, denying government jobs to anyone with more than two children. But critics accuse the government of targeting Muslims, a community perceived to have large families, and the...
Never too young to be money smart

Never too young to be money smart

Two pre-schools, Dreamkids and Cherie Hearts have made it part of their curriculum to teach students how to run a business and manage money. Students learnt how to buy goods at a supermarket and taught values such as prudence and generosity. Said Dreamkids’...
A life of service is a life worth swiping

A life of service is a life worth swiping

In today’s highly competitive Singapore, many high-fliers want to achieve – but my question for them is: Who are you achieving for and what are you truly leaving behind? Many of us today, especially among the younger generation, have the mentality that to...