Catering to children with different needs

Catering to children with different needs

The Canossian family has started an inclusive pre-school that takes in both mainstream children and those with special needs. The new pre-school, which comes under Canossaville Children and Community Services, has 70 children, seven of whom have hearing loss. It is...
Mayflower Primary to take in deaf pupils

Mayflower Primary to take in deaf pupils

From next year, pupils at a mainstream primary school will have deaf classmates learning alongside them in sign language as a further step is taken towards greater inclusiveness. Currently, children with hearing loss who need more support go to Lighthouse School or...
Online tuition catches on in China

Online tuition catches on in China

When Wu Wenhua was growing up in the 1980s, hardly anyone bothered to learn English. Now that she has a son, she believes that knowing the language is key to opening doors. Ms Wu, 38, signed Ryan, 11, up for an online service, called VIPKid, that connects Chinese...