A social enterprise is, like any normal business structure, created to generate profits for the organisation. However, unlike a traditional company, it seeks to address certain social issues with extraordinary ideas and solutions. Organised by Make The Change, participants in this workshop will be introduced to the various types of social enterprises, case studies […]
Have you ever wonder how you could make an impact or simply give back to society? This workshop is aimed at working professionals and aspiring entrepreneurs who seek to engage with social problems and generate solutions in an interactive, impactful way. In this full-day workshop, you will go through different social innovation tools to […]
Whether it’s through impact investing, social entrepreneurship or social ventures, many aspire to do well and do good. However, this is not as easy as it may seem. Finding meaning in business can be a complex endeavor and quite difficult to achieve in practice. How do innovation, entrepreneurship, sustainability, and social good fit together? Hear […]
Impact design – whether focused on social or environmental issues – strives to shift away from designing for a universal consumer to meeting more diverse needs. In order to make such products, designers often reconsider their approaches, using methods such as design thinking to identify problems and generate innovative solutions. Seeking to understand […]
How does volunteering help you to make important life decisions, increase your confidence and learn new skills? How can you stay motivated while volunteering in order to achieve your dreams and create a life of meaning? Join in and hear Dr Elmi’s sharing which revolves around the “concept of IMPACT” and learn more […]