We are living a story of change. Around the world, there is a movement of ordinary people making a difference every day.

Solutions exist everywhere to create a world where sustainability and profits are compatible; inclusive democracy is restored; citizens from all over the world have access to education, healthcare, and appropriate food; men and women have the same rights; and climate change is controlled.

Every year on the same day, Sparknews gathers 50 leading newspapers from around the world to share and publish a special edition dedicated to 60 concrete and inspiring solutions to global issues, on subjects like education, energy, healthcare, agriculture, water, technology, and urbanism.

Click here to read the full list of stories.

Telling tales from an octopus’ garden

Telling tales from an octopus’ garden

A London-based conservation group Blue Ventures successfully demonstrated the positive effects of sustainable fishing in Madagascar, building hundreds of marine protect areas. Typically, marine protected areas (MPAs) are imposed upon fishing communities without...

Off the streets and gainfully employed

Off the streets and gainfully employed

The structure of Russia’s public care systems leave many young adults with no skills and socially isolated. Many tend to have very low motivation for finding a job, and ends up living on social welfare. Every year in Russia, some 10,000 to 15,000 young people leave...

X-ray machine for tough conditions

X-ray machine for tough conditions

Two thirds of the global population still don’t have access to X-ray machines. To address this global health problem, Pristem wants to bring a robust and inexpensive X-ray machine to global south hospitals. In the global south, hospitals frequently face disruptive...

Gone are dark clouds that had them blind

Gone are dark clouds that had them blind

Indonesia has one of the highest rates of blindness in the world, with cataracts accounting for more than 50 per cent of the cases, according to the Health Ministry website. Even though the procedure is the cheapest of three common techniques used by surgeons all over...

Helping young talent cut it in the arts

Helping young talent cut it in the arts

Zeina was determined to help cultivate the talents of unprivileged youths when she founded “The Nawaya Project” in 2012, an innovative non-governmental organisation (NGO) that helps marginalised youth develop their talent so that they can integrate into the workforce....

Hero with an unerring nose for trouble

Hero with an unerring nose for trouble

Merry is usually up before the sun, when she and her 11 colleagues are driven to work. Her job, detecting landmines and other unexploded ordnance (UXO), requires a laser-like focus. It also helps that at about 1kg in weight, she is very light of foot and does not set...

Forest grown on waste faces threat

Forest grown on waste faces threat

The Gourga forest region stretches across 24ha, 184km to the north of Ouagadougou, the capital of Burkina Faso. Even in the dry season, the vegetation in this part of the north is intriguing - a forest in a so-called arid zone. A steady decrease in rainfall over...