We are living a story of change. Around the world, there is a movement of ordinary people making a difference every day.
Solutions exist everywhere to create a world where sustainability and profits are compatible; inclusive democracy is restored; citizens from all over the world have access to education, healthcare, and appropriate food; men and women have the same rights; and climate change is controlled.
Every year on the same day, Sparknews gathers 50 leading newspapers from around the world to share and publish a special edition dedicated to 60 concrete and inspiring solutions to global issues, on subjects like education, energy, healthcare, agriculture, water, technology, and urbanism.
Click here to read the full list of stories.
Art from pollution
Even air pollution can yield something positive, such as art. Just ask Graviky Labs, a Bengaluru-based start-up which has come up with an innovative method to trap soot from vehicles and transform it into ink. The team of industrial and automobile engineers, computer...
Virtuous plant rejuvenates community
The people of the El Hencha, a small town not far from Sfax, Tunisia, continue to practise traditional agricultural techniques for which they need to draw heavily upon groundwater reserves. These practices are typical of those found in areas across southern Tunisia,...
Tracking the Provenance of that bag, or your tuna
Ms Jessi Baker, the founder of blockchain technology platform Provenance, envisions a future where all physical products have digital histories, allowing people to trace and verify products' origins, attributes and ownership. Fuelled by frustration about how little we...
Problem of plastic waste? It’s sorted
In 1997, a group of 14 women got together to open a plastic waste processing facility in Thies, 70km east of Dakar, under the supervision of an Italian non-governmental organisation. The rise in recycling activity led to the creation of the company Proplast in March...
Power of poo
If the banana trees at Zoo Zurich are particularly lush, it is thanks to a fertiliser with an unusual ingredient: human waste. During spring in 2016, zoo employees cleared a bamboo grove in Zurich's Masoala Rainforest to plant the trees. Within a few months, the...
From leftovers to delicious dishes
Wasting food is far from being a negligible problem, both in Brazil and worldwide. According to United Nations’ Food and Agricultural Organization, global food loss and waste amounts to about one-third of all food produced. Brazil is among the top ten food-wasting...
App lets workers engage their bosses
Kutumbita is a tech start-up that aims to empower workers in the garment industry through an application designed to foster clear and equitable communication between employer and employee in firms which are too large for traditional communication channels. Using...
Going the distance with fuel from old clothes
Mr Michihiko Iwamoto worked for a textile trading house that produced work clothes with threads made from PET bottles. This gave him the idea that one could "circulate everything" by returning all used items to their original state and putting them into new products...
Come rain or shine – a tent of their own
For six years, a married homeless couple were separated and forced to live apart in Delhi, India. The husband was in one gender-segregated communal shelter and the wife in another. Last year, for the first time, they were able to move into their own “home”. Their new...