“You will be the same person in five years as you are today except for the people you meet and the books you read.”

– Charlie “Tremendous” Jones, author and motivational speaker

We will be different when we read. Understanding the knowledge we receive is the way forward.

There are many issues that the community is facing. And only when we take the effort to find out more and keep ourselves up-to-date, can we be part of the solution and change can happen, to truly build a community that cares.

News Articles
Helping young talent cut it in the arts

Helping young talent cut it in the arts

Zeina was determined to help cultivate the talents of unprivileged youths when she founded “The Nawaya Project” in 2012, an innovative non-governmental organisation (NGO) that helps marginalised youth develop their talent so that they can integrate into the workforce....

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Hero with an unerring nose for trouble

Hero with an unerring nose for trouble

Merry is usually up before the sun, when she and her 11 colleagues are driven to work. Her job, detecting landmines and other unexploded ordnance (UXO), requires a laser-like focus. It also helps that at about 1kg in weight, she is very light of foot and does not set...

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Forest grown on waste faces threat

Forest grown on waste faces threat

The Gourga forest region stretches across 24ha, 184km to the north of Ouagadougou, the capital of Burkina Faso. Even in the dry season, the vegetation in this part of the north is intriguing - a forest in a so-called arid zone. A steady decrease in rainfall over...

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Art from pollution

Art from pollution

Even air pollution can yield something positive, such as art. Just ask Graviky Labs, a Bengaluru-based start-up which has come up with an innovative method to trap soot from vehicles and transform it into ink. The team of industrial and automobile engineers, computer...

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Virtuous plant rejuvenates community

Virtuous plant rejuvenates community

The people of the El Hencha, a small town not far from Sfax, Tunisia, continue to practise traditional agricultural techniques for which they need to draw heavily upon groundwater reserves. These practices are typical of those found in areas across southern Tunisia,...

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Power of poo

Power of poo

If the banana trees at Zoo Zurich are particularly lush, it is thanks to a fertiliser with an unusual ingredient: human waste. During spring in 2016, zoo employees cleared a bamboo grove in Zurich's Masoala Rainforest to plant the trees. Within a few months, the...

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From leftovers to delicious dishes

From leftovers to delicious dishes

Wasting food is far from being a negligible problem, both in Brazil and worldwide. According to United Nations’ Food and Agricultural Organization, global food loss and waste amounts to about one-third of all food produced. Brazil is among the top ten food-wasting...

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App lets workers engage their bosses

App lets workers engage their bosses

Kutumbita is a tech start-up that aims to empower workers in the garment industry through an application designed to foster clear and equitable communication between employer and employee in firms which are too large for traditional communication channels. Using...

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Wheelchair driving gets a fresh spin

Wheelchair driving gets a fresh spin

When Mr Ladislav Brazdil bought an old collective farm with a partner after the Czech revolution, what he really wanted was to engineer and market his own product. His dream became reality when a design engineer asked him about an idea he had in mind: an urban...

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Facing the future bravely – together

Facing the future bravely – together

Sheroes Hangout, with its tasteful decor and lively graffiti, is tucked away between some nondescript eateries, across from a five-star luxury hotel. In Agra, famous as the city of the Taj Mahal, the cafe is on the map for a unique reason: It is run by women who have...

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Down but not out when disasters hit

Down but not out when disasters hit

Sisters Morgan and Caitria O'Neill never expected that a tornado would hit their small home town in Massachusetts - or that when it did, recovering from the disaster would change their lives. On June 1, 2011, a pair of twisters ripped across the state, damaging their...

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Much to Beam about

Much to Beam about

Thirteen-year-old Yusuf Warsame shows up for school in Frederiksburg, Denmark, every day, takes part in class and gets up to pranks like any of his classmates - but he is not actually there. At home, about 3km away, Yusuf accesses and controls a robot called Beam -...

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