
A prolific researcher and author of 6 books (including the first published book on Cyberspace Law in 2002 published by OUP and first published book on Autonomous Vehicles and the Law in 2008), 10 book chapters, around 50 journal articles, Hannah has been cited thousands of times, including by the High Court of Australia and the Singapore Court of Appeal.


  1. Hannah YeeFen LIM, Autonomous Vehicles and the Law: Technology, Algorithms, and Ethics (Edward Elgar Publishing, UK Dec 2018)
  2. Hannah YeeFen LIM, Data Protection in the Practical Context – Strategies and Techniques (Academy Publishing Singapore, 2017)
  3. Fitzgerald A, Fitzgerald B, Clark E, Lim Y, Middleton G, Internet and E-Commerce Law: Technology, Law and Policy  2nd edition (Thomson Legal & Regulatory Limited 2011) (1286 pages)
  4. Beale T, Fitzgerald A, Fitzgerald B, Lim YF, & Middleton G, Internet and E-Commerce Law: Technology, Law and Policy (Thomson Legal & Regulatory Limited 2007)
  5. Yee Fen LIM, Cyberspace Law: Commentaries and Materials (Oxford University Press, Melbourne 2002) ISBN 019 5515765 – 569 pages
  6. Yee Fen LIM, Cyberspace Law: Commentaries and Materials (Oxford University Press, Melbourne 2007) 2nd edition, ISBN: 978 019 5558616 – 752 pages, including new chapters on data protection law, authentication, Internet taxation etc. With Foreword by Justice W.M.C Gummow QC AC, Justice of the High Court of Australia.

Journal Papers

  1. Huang, Z., Guo, H., Hannah Yee-Fen LIM, Kia Nam Ho, Evonne Tay, Angela Chow, “The value of social interactions and incentives on the use of a digital contact tracing tool post COVID-19 lockdown in Singapore” Scientific Reports 12, 12416 (2022). Published 20 July 2022, Scientific Reports is a Nature journal and the 5th most-cited journal in the world, with more than 696,000 citations in 2021. Impact Factor: 4.996.
  2. Zhilian Huang, Huiling Guo,, Hannah YeeFen LIM,, Angela Chow. “Determinants of the acceptance and adoption of a digital contact tracing tool during the COVID-19 pandemic in Singapore” Epidemiology and Infection 150, E54. Published 2 March 2022. doi:10.1017/S0950268822000401 (Impact Factor: 4.434). The DOI is: Listed as top 10% of journals by MOH ie Tier 1.
  3. Zhilian Huang, Evonne Tay, Dillon Wee, Huiling Guo, Hannah Yee-Fen LIM,, Angela Chow, “Public perception on the use of digital contact tracing tools post COVID-19 lockdown: Sentiment analysis and opinion mining” JMIR Formative Research 2022; 6(3): e33314 doi: 10.2196/33314 PMID: 35120017 . Published 4 March 2022 (Impact Factor: 7.08, with 5 year IF of 7.69 see It is ranked 5/31 in ‘Medical Informatics’ journals.
  4. Zhilian Huang, Huiling Guo,, Hannah YeeFen LIM,, Angela Chow, “Awareness, acceptance, and adoption of the national digital contact tracing tool post COVID-19 lockdown among visitors to a public hospital in Singapore” (2021) 7(7) Clinical Microbiology and Infection 1046-1048, Published 1 July 2021. Impact Factor: 13.310. Journal is ranked 13th out of 136 in the world for all Microbiology journals and is a NTU 1A journal.
  5. Hannah YeeFen Lim, “Ethics Education for Successful Infectious Disease Control of COVID-19” Asian Bioethics Review 12(2) (2020) 243-251. Journal is Q1-ranking in Philosophy in Scimago Journal Rank and is in the top 50 international journals in the areas of medical- or bio- ethics.
  6. Tamra Lysaght, Hannah Yeefen Lim, Vicki Xafis & Kee Yuan Ngiam, “AI-Assisted Decision-making in Healthcare: The Application of an Ethics Framework for BigData in Health and Research” Asian Bioethics Review 11(3), 299-314 (2019). See above for Journal ranking.
  7. Vicki Xafis, G. Owen Schaefer, Markus K. Labude, Iain Brassington, Angela Ballantyne, Hannah Yeefen Lim, Wendy Lipworth, Tamra Lysaght, Cameron Stewart, Shirley Sun, Graeme T. Laurie & E Shyong Tai, “An Ethics Framework for Big Data in Health and Research” Asian Bioethics Review 11(3), 227-254 (2019) [NB: We were all member of an International Working Group, hence equal contributions of authorship, juniors listed first, then alphabetically, ultra seniors listed last].
  8. Hannah LIM Yee Fen, “Trade marks, Territoriality and Trusts: An Uncomfortable Trinity” (2016) 28 Singapore Academy of Law Journal 277-285
  9. Hannah LIM Yee Fen, “The Data Protection Paradigm for the Tort of Privacy in the Age of Big Data” (2015) 27 Singapore Academy of Law Journal 789-821 (Special Issue on Evolving Torts) [Invited to Contribute by International Editors for the Special Issue]
  10. Hannah Yee Fen LIM, “The Day the Music Died on the Internet in Australia: Phonographic Performance Co of Australia Ltd v Commercial Radio Australia Ltd” (2014) 36(2) European Intellectual Property Review 139-144
  11. Hannah Yee Fen Lim, “Nuts about Nutella: A Loss for Coffee and Chocolate Lovers?” (2013) 35(4) European Intellectual Property Review 230-235
  12. Hannah Yee Fen LIM, “Singapore’s New Data Protection Act: The mechanics and the Do Not Call Regime” (2013) 9(5) Privacy Law Bulletin 80-82
  13. Hannah Yee Fen LIM, “Singapore’s New Data Protection Act: The Principles” (2013) 9(5) Privacy Law Bulletin 77-79
  14. Hannah Yee Fen Lim, “Internet Intermediary Liability for Copyright Infringement in Singapore” (2011) 33(12) European Intellectual Property Review 807-813
  15. Hannah Yee Fen LIM, “Data Protection at the Inaugural Asia Pacific Regional Internet Governance Forum” (2011) 8(1) Privacy Law Bulletin 11-14.
  16. Hannah Yee Fen LIM, “Is an Email Account ‘Property?” (2011) 1 Property Law Review 59-67
  17. Hannah Yee Fen LIM, “Online gaming, the State of Play in Singapore” (2011) 23 Singapore Academy of Law Journal 74-92
  18. Yee Fen LIM, “’Bound to Infringe’: The Forgotten Child of the Doctrine of Authorisation of Copyright Infringement” (2011) 33(2) European Intellectual Property Review 91-102
  19. Hannah Yee Fen Lim, “Virtual World, Virtual Land but Real Property” [2010] Singapore Journal of Legal Studies 304-327
  20. Hannah Yee Fen LIM, “Who Monitors the Monitor? Virtual World Governance and the Failure of Contract Law Remedies in Virtual Worlds” (2009) 11 Vanderbilt Journal of Entertainment and Technology Law 1053-1073
  21. Yee Fen LIM, “Patently designed and trade marked: MMORPGs” (2007) 2(4) Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice 258-263
  22. Yee Fen LIM, “Computer Forensics and Privacy at the United States Border” (2006) 3(3) Privacy Law Bulletin 37-39
  23. Yee Fen LIM, “DRMs, Economics, Copyright and Competition Law: The Australian Experience – The Economic Implications of Stevens v Sony” (2006) 3(2) Review of Economic Research on Copyright Issues 67-82
  24. Yee Fen LIM, “Is It Really Just a Game? Copyright and Online Role-Playing Games” (2006) 1 Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice 481-491
  25. Howard K & Lim YF, “Defamation and the Internet one more time: Dow Jones v Yousef Abdul Latif Jameel” (2005) 8(2) Internet Law Bulletin 21-23
  26. Howard K & Lim YF, “Protection of Children in the Virtual World” (2005) 2(2) Privacy Law Bulletin 17-20
  27. Howard K & Lim YF, “I Spy With My Little Eye – Taking a Closer Look at Spyware” 2005 (2-3) The Journal of Information, Law and Technology (JILT). <>.
  28. Yee Fen LIM, “Digital Signatures and PKI: The Technical and the Legal” (2004) 6(9) Internet Law Bulletin 116-118.
  29. Yee Fen LIM, “Digital Rights Management: contract law or copyright law?” (2003) 4 Infosym Journal: The IT & Law Initiative 1-8 (published by Symbiosis Law College, Deemed University, India)
  30. Yee Fen LIM, “The Multi-layered Impossibility of Harmonising E-commerce Laws Internationally” (2003) 3 Infosym Journal: The IT & Law Initiative 129-135.
  31. Yee Fen LIM, “Copyright in the Digital Age” [2003] New Zealand Law Journal 137-140
  32. Yee Fen LIM, “Digital Signatures, Certification Authorities:  Certainty in the Allocation of Liability”, (2003) 7 Singapore Journal of International & Comparative Law 183-200
  33. Yee Fen LIM, “Jones v Toben – racial discrimination on the Internet” (2002) 5(4) Internet Law Bulletin 37-41
  34. Yee Fen LIM, “Equal before the Law and on the Web – unless you are blind” (2002) 5(5) Internet Law Bulletin 49-53
  35. Yee Fen LIM, “Digital Signature, Certification Authorities and the Law” E Law Vol 9 no. 3 (September 2002) <>
  36. Yee Fen LIM, “Internet Governance, Resolving the Un-resolvable: Trade Marks Law and Internet Domain Names” (2002) 16 International Review of Law Computers & Technology 199-209
  37. Yee Fen LIM, “Singapore: Internet Regulation or is it Censorship?” (1999) 2 Internet Law Bulletin 44-47
  38. Yee Fen LIM, “The Application of the Doctrines of Contributory Infringement and Vicarious Liability to Internet Service Providers” 3 West Virginia Journal of Law and Technology  2.2 (March 15, 1999) 1-20
  39. Yee Fen LIM, “Internet Gambling – the US Perspective” (1998) 1 no 8 Internet Law Bulletin  114-118
  40. Yee Fen LIM, “Internet Service Providers and Liability for Copyright Infringement through Authorisation”  (1997) 8 Australian Intellectual Property Journal 192-211
  41. Yee Fen LIM, “Multimedia Copyright Issues”  (1994) 7 Australian Intellectual Property Law Bulletin 119-124
  42. Yee Fen LIM, “Multimedia: Authorisers of Copyright Infringement?”  (1994) 5 Journal of Law and Information Science 306-313
  43. Yee Fen LIM, “A Logical View of the Hearsay Rule”  (1994) 68 Australian Law Journal 724-729

Refereed Conference Proceedings

  1. Lim YF, “Digital Rights Management: Merging Contract, Copyright and Criminal Law” in R. Safavi-Naini R & Yung M (Eds.) Proceedings of First International Conference on Digital Rights Management: Technologies, Issues, Challenges and Systems 2005, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Series 3919, pp 66–74, 2006. (Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006)
  2. Lim YF, “Law and Regulation in Cyberspace” Refereed Conference Proceedings of 2003 International Conference on Cyberworlds published by IEEE, 34-9, ISBN 0-7695-1922-9.

Legal Reference Work/Encyclopaedia – By invitation

  1. Hannah Yee-Fen Lim, “Cybersecurity Act 2018”, Annotated Laws of Singapore (LexisNexis 2022)

Book Chapters – ALL book chapters are by invitation from the editor(s)

  1. Hannah Yee Fen Lim, “The Battle Against Digital Copyright Infringements in ASEAN”, in Christoph Antons & Michael Blakeney (ed) Intellectual Property Law in South East Asia (Edward Elgar Publishing Feb 2023). Tier 1 publisher.
  2. Hannah Yee-Fen Lim, “Regulatory Compliance of AI” in Charles Kerrigan (ed) Artificial Intelligence: Law and Regulation Handbook (Edward Elgar UK, 2022) (12,000 words). Tier 1 publisher.
  3. Kumaralingam Amirthalingam, Gary Bell, Hannah Yee-Fen Lim “Torts in Technology” in Andrew Phang Boon Leong, Goh Yihan, Simon Chesterman (ed) Law and Technology in Singapore (Academy Publishing 2021).
  4. Hannah YeeFen Lim, “Property Rights in Virtual and Augmented Reality: Second Life Versus Pokémon Go” in Woodrow Barfield & Marc Blitz (ed) Research Handbook on the Law of Virtual and Augmented Reality (Edward Elgar Publishing US 2018).
  5. Hannah Lim Yee Fen, “Data Protection in the Employment Setting” in Chesterman, S (ed) Data Protection Law in Singapore: Privacy and Sovereignty in an Interconnected World, 2nd Edition (Academy Publishing, Singapore 2018)
  6. Hannah Lim Yee Fen, “Data Protection in the Employment Setting” in Chesterman, S (ed) Data Protection Law in Singapore: Privacy and Sovereignty in an Interconnected World (Academy Publishing, Singapore 2014) ISBN 9-789810-779030 pp109-143.
  7. Yee Fen LIM, “The tangled web of copyright enforcement on the web in Singapore” in Antons C (ed) The Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights: Comparative Perspectives from the Asia-Pacific Region (Wolters Kluwer 2011) June 2011, ISBN 9041132198; ISBN 13: 9789041132192
  8. Yee Fen LIM, “A Comparative Analysis of PKI Regimes in Asian Jurisdictions” in Padmavathi L (ed) Electronic Signature Law: Emerging Trends  (Amicus Books an imprint of the ICFAI University Press 2008) ISBN 81-314-1374-8
  9. Yee Fen LIM, “New Hope for Consumers of Digital Copyright Material in Hong Kong” in Fitzgerald B, Gao Fuping & O’Brien D (eds) Copyright law, Digital Content and the Internet in the Asia-Pacific (Sydney University Press 2008)

Other Publications


  1. Joint UNCITRAL/UNIDROIT Workshop Summary, Rome, Seat UNIDROIT, 6 and 7 May 2019, Summary of the Discussion and Conclusions (I was one of the international experts invited by UNCITRAL and UNIDROIT). Document with attributions available at:


  1. Yee Fen LIM, Legal Issues in Internet Crime (Centre for Environmental Law, Macquarie University, 2001) ISBN 1 86408 673 4 (150 pages)


  1. Report of the Law Reform Committee on Online Gaming and Singapore (Law Reform Committee, Singapore Academy of Law July 2010), a law reform research report co-authored with other sub-committee members (appointed by Law Reform Committee) comprising Lim Y.F, J.A Tan, A. Singh, W.Y. Wan, W. Chik.
  2. BSA Global Cloud Computing Scorecard: A Blueprint for Economic Opportunity a research report (2011/2012) commissioned by Business Software Alliance, co-authored with colleagues at Galexia Consulting Pty Ltd.

Invited Book Reviews in Refereed Journals

  1. Lim YF, Book Review on Akindemowo O, Information Technology Law in Australia (Law Book, 1999) published at (1999) 21 Sydney Law Review 703-707.
  2. Lim YF, Book Review on Broadhurst and Grabosky (ed), Cyber-Crime: The Challenge in Asia (Hong Kong, Hong Kong University Press, 2005) published at (2005) 35 Hong Kong Law Journal 778-781.
  3. Lim YF, Book review of Liu, Kung-Chung & Heath, Christopher(ed.) Copyright Law and the Information Society in Asia, IIC Studies, 2007, Volume 26 (Hart Publishing Ltd) published at “Digital Media and Copyright in Asia” (2008) 3 Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice 61-2.
  4. Lim YF, Book review of Fiona Macmillan (ed.), New Directions In Copyright Law, Volume 6 (Edward Elgar) published at “The Future of Copyright Law” (2009) 4(4) Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice 297-298

Edited Journal Issues

  1. Editor of special issue on Asia of Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice – Asia Special Issue, Vol 3, No 3, March 2008
  2. Macquarie Law Journal – General Issue (2001) Vol 1, No 1, (with R Atherton, B Kercher, C Stewart & A Sharpe)


  1. Guest Editorial in Asia Special Issue (2008) 3 Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice 146-7.


  1. Lim Yee Fen, Submission to the Ministry of Information, Communications and the Arts Public Consultation to the Proposed Consumer Data Protection Regime For Singapore, October 2011 (20 pages single spaced). See:

Professional Publications – by Invitation

  1. Hannah YeeFen LIM, GDPR Matchup: Singapore’s Personal Data Protection Act as part of Privacy Tracker published by International Association of Privacy Practitioners available online at
  2. Re-published by the Law Society of Singapore in the Monthly Journal JusNewSG
  3. Hannah YeeFen LIM, “AI and the Law”, NISTH Newsletter, Issue 5, Dec 2020