Activity 2: Turn construction and turn-allocation

Watch the ‘Virginia’ video clip, study the transcript, and then discuss the following questions with members of your group.

Discussion questions:

a.  Do a line-by-line analysis of the turn-taking that seems to be taking place in this data extract, in a similar fashion to the previous example.

b.  Now examine each turn more closely to see how it is constructed. In particular, comment on the following turns:

       i. Virginia’s lines 1-2: How many components (TCUs) does it have?

       ii. Mom’s turn in lines 5, 6, 9 & 10: How many TCUs?

       iii. Virginia’s lines 19-20?

c.  Now go through the data extract again, looking more closely this time at each TRP to see how turn allocation is done. In particular, comment on the following TRPs:

      i. The turn transition that takes place between lines 4 and 5. Who speaks next? Is the turn allocated to the new speaker; and if so, how?

      ii. The turn transition between lines 18 and 19. Who speaks next? Is the turn allocated to the new speaker?

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