At Individual Level

As individuals, we also have the power to make a difference in changing the fate of the Sumatran elephants!

We can take the following action steps in the conservation of these species:

 Say ‘no’ to ivory products!

By not buying products made from elephant ivory, you are being an elephant-aware consumer. Although the sale of new ivory is already banned, ivory from previously poached elephants can still be legally circulated in the market. By not consuming any of these products, it sends out a clear message to the sellers of the low tolerance levels for products that come out of animal cruelty and thus hopefully decreases the demand for ivory products in the long run!

 Support Conservation Efforts

We can show our personal conviction to help in the conservation of the elephants by supporting conservation efforts and organisations that have the mission of protecting the habitat of the elephants, working to intervene in the illegal poaching or killing of elephants, etc. This can be in the form of simple donations to help a cause you believe in. Be sure to research on the legitimacy of the organisation you intend to support first and as always, make sure that their objectives resonate with yours!

 Raising awareness

By spreading the word or educating the public about the situation of the conservation status of the Sumatran elephant, there can be a ripple effect of widespread promotion of the actions we should and can undertake. Whether it be sharing from your own personal knowledge of the Sumatran elephants or about the various organisations that are involved in conserving them, they go a long way in helping the species. Rather than imposing positive punishment, why not simply spread the word? Ultimately, altering one’s attitudes and beliefs toward a certain matter would produce the best results in the long-term!

 Choosing ecotourism operators

If you wish to have a closer interaction with elephants and experience them in their natural environment, you should opt for ecotourism operators who respect elephants and treat them well and not exploit them for money.

 Changing of behaviour

Look out for the FSC certified logo when you purchase products such as printer paper, napkins or wooden furniture. FSC stands for Forest Stewardship Council Label and wood products with this label is certified as “friendly” to elephants and the forests they inhabit because they have been made with materials grown in plantations that comply with environmental standards.

Another way you can take action in the conservation of elephants is by volunteering with various conservation organisations and elephant parks. Some of these organisations offer volunteering experiences that allow you to interact with elephants in their natural habitat first-hand; some involve you in research projects or campaigns they undertake. Find an organisation with values and goals that align with yours and interest you before signing up!

 Adopt an Elephant

Did you know that you could adopt an elephant? Who wouldn’t want to bring home a cute elephant, away from the possible conflicts and habitat loss it could face? But realistically of course, that’s not possible. However, there are a number of organisations such as WWF, Defenders of Wildlife, that have elephant adoption programmes. This symbolic act of adoption allows you receive adorable pictures of “your” elephant and updates of them while at the same time contributing to conservation efforts to help the Sumatran elephants move further away from the possibility of an extinction status.