Improvements to Eco-tourism Activities

So what can be done instead to make the eco-tourism activities more elephant-friendly?

Sustainable elephant sanctuaries could be set up in Sumatra. These sanctuaries would be more directed at allowing elephants to live freely in their natural habitat, whilst letting tourists observe them at the same time.

An example of a successful elephant sanctuary would be that of Elephant Jungle Paradise Park, in Thailand. This park was started with the aim of offering care and rehabilitation to elephants previously mistreated at traditional elephant camps.  In order to generate more revenue to supplement donations to run the place, they begun letting tourists in to let them witness the elephants living their lives in their natural state, and even letting tourists take a mud bath with the elephants! Visitors can also pet and feed them, from a safe distance away. At first, this seemed like a risky venture because tourists might be more inclined towards experiences that are more thrilling. But the concept of a sustainable elephant sanctuary has proven successful because the experiences that are offered have gained favour steadily and consistently.

Elephants in such sanctuaries still bring a smile to tourists’ faces, while at the same time being able to roam around freely and not having to be trained to take orders during elephant riding activities.