
Governments play an important role in tackling deforestation through the development and implementation of policies in forest management, with the use of government laws, regulations and incentives. 


The Lao’s government implements the forestry policy, ‘Land Forest Allocation Program’ (LFAP). This policy is to define clearly the boundary and classification of land in the basis of the land-use of local communities. LFAP serves to allow local communities to manage forests and allow them to practice customary rights to utilize forests. 



The Singapore Green Plan is a  10-year  environmental blueprint that Singapore has for the future. This plan aims to ensure that Singapore achieves sustainable economic development that meets the needs of future generations, without compromising the environment (Chew, 2008). This ensures that forests and nature reserves are not cleared for deforestation to cater to the growing population and urbanisation in Singapore. 


 Remember The Tragedy of the Commons?

There are 4 common approaches to encourage behaviour of the common good to resolve the Tragedy of the Commons.  The 4 approaches are

  1. Use of government laws, regulations and incentives
  2.  Education
  3. Small-group/community management
  4. Moral, Religious, and/or Ethical Appeals

Hardin believed that governmental laws, regulations, and incentives were the best way to solve the tragedy of the commons and ensure widespread proenvironmental behaviour on the part of the general public. This is based on the assumption that humans are innately egoistic, and this solution channels human egoism into proenvironmental behaviour.