Commitment to better wellness

Although green spaces were found to have no association with well-being in Singapore, do bear in mind that a sample of university students may not be generalisable. Also, it is necessary for future studies to continue exploring the topic in the other countries with tropical climates to see if the same results hold. Hence, as a whole, according to majority of the studies, green spaces do still positively influence physical health, emotional health, cognitive health; wellness, all in all.

Therefore, you are encouraged to increase access, exposure and interaction with green spaces and nature for improved wellness. You can print out these samples below and sign on it as a written commitment to yourself. If not, you are very welcomed to customise your own commitment as well! You could visit to get help with customising!

Sample 1: press the pause button for your hectic life-ryvalx

Infographic created using

Sample 2: Today,I choose tobe happy!-1dqp85f

Infographic created using

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