
Another animal that is being poached is the rhino. Everyday an average of about 3 rhinos are poached for their horn.

General information

There are in total five different rhino species, of which 2 species live in Africa and 3 species live in Asia. Rhinos are herbivore, which means that they eat grass, leaves and plants. Everyday they can eat around 70 kilos. Rhinos don’t have a good sight, but they can smell really well. Most rhinos are being poached in Africa, because of the large population that lives there. Nowadays, three of those five species are endangered.

In the traditional chinese medicine (TCM) is believed that the rhino horn can cure headaches, fevers, rheumathism and a lot of other disorders. This is in TCM believed for more than thousands of years. To use the rhino horn in medicine, first it has to be shaved into a powder. After this process the powder together with boiling water can be drunk as a tea.

But not only in TCM is the rhino horn powder used, also in Western countries this powder is used for medical purpuses. Some people believe that rhino horn is a sexual stimulant. Lately it turned out to be a misinterpretation, but this thought is now starting to be believed in Vietnam. Futhermore, in vietnam rhino horns are also used as a medicine, with the main reason to cure hangovers and terminal illnesses.

Horn material

The rhino horn is made of keretin. This is theĀ same material as our nails and hair. A recent study also found that in the middle of the horn a larger density of calcium is found, which makes the horn stronger. Melanin is also found in the horn and this can protect the horn from breakdown through UV rays from the sun. On the outside less calcium and melanin is found, which can cause the horn to wear out a little.

Fun facts

  • To protect their skin against sunlight, they cover themselves with mud.
  • The reason why rhinos let birds sit on them is because the birds will eat the parasites that live on their skin. This is a symbiotic relationship, the bird can eat this way and the rhino is free of parasites. The bird can also give the rhino a signal when there’s danger.
  • The black and the white rhino actually have the same color, namely grey.