About the Author

Hello and thank you for reading my blog!

My name is Rebecca and I`m originally from Lake of Como, Italy. When I was 16 years old I decided to move to England and live with my grandparents so that I could study in the IB program. Leaving Italy made me realise how much I took it for granted. So, when I went back for Christmas, I was able to see the beauty of my home town and appreciate my childhood even more. Unfortunately, I also realised how citizens and tourists were treating the lake. The lakefront was full of floating litter and chemicals which the ducks, swans and fish had to bathe in. This upsets me still today. However, it opened my eyes to environmental issues and made me question the state of the Mediterranean considering the state my beautiful lake was in. So, when I begun researching I was at pleasantly surprised to see that it was considered a hotspot for biodiversity. This quickly passed as I became alarmed at the IUCN`s statement that an increasing quantity of its species were endangered. This discovery, paired with my knowledge of conservation psychology, made me motivated to inform the (interested) public about the Mediterranean Basin, its threats, how humans contributed but also how humans can help. The hotspot (and my lake) aren`t lost hopes but we need more people interested and concerned about them. Remember, inform yourself and inform others! You have a voice and can make an impact.

Thank you again for visiting,
