Importance for the environment

The Mediterranean basin is considered a hotspot for biodiversity (IUCN) as it contains from 15.000 to 25.000 different species, of which 60% are specific and unique to this geographical location. Furthermore, a new mesotrophic coral reef has been discovered off the coasts of Italy. This has been exciting because of the rarity of this type of reef as it thrives in depths with low light (vs shallow waters full of light) and because of the endangerment of other coral reefs around the world. Henceforth, the protection of the Mediterranean Sea should be a predominant concern for conservation researchers and advocates, due to its richness in life and culture. Prevention and protection are extremely important as the loss of species can upset the balance of the ecosystem and the environment. Unfortunately, the IUCN has deemed a considerable amount (1912) of Mediterranean species at risk (in varying degrees) and range from amphibians, birds, marine life, and mammals. Because of this, in 2008 the IUCN released an article discussing the endangerment to the Mediterranean hotspot due to the impact of external factor on it and it’s ecosystem.

Next: Consequences for humans