Favorable treatment

Certain animal species get better treatment from us. We cuddle them, feed them and provide them with a comfortable place to sleep in. Examples of such animals include dogs, cats, and rabbits. Some exotic pets include lizards, tigers, and sloths. Some animals are more favored for conservation, for instance, birds and mammals are favored over reptiles and invertebrates. What could be some reasons for the positive behaviors toward some animals?

Similarity of animals and Anthropomorphism 

We all have an innate tendency to be attracted to those who are similar to us. Animals we perceive as just like us, we think that they can feel emotions the same way we do. Thus, we are more empathetic to these animals. We understand and care about their feelings. Thus, the more similar an animal is to us, the better our treatment of that animal.

Anthropomorphism which is the tendency to attribute human-like characteristics to an object also occurs. We are more likely to anthropomorphize animals that are similar to us. These animals have more of the traits we recognize as belonging to humans. (Having hair, legs, etc). As a result, we think that they deserve to be morally treated just like how we treat other human beings.

Characteristics triggering our nurturing instinct

We tend to be more attracted to animals that carry infantile characteristics into adulthood. These animals trigger our nurturing instinct. Adorable animals make us go ‘awww…’ and ‘owww…’. We feel this impulse to take it home with us and care for it like a baby! Animals possessing cute features are more likely to trigger our protective and tending instinct. Some cute features include eyes, round head, short limbs, furry bodies. Pandas are definitely more likely to trigger our nurturing instinct as compared to pigeons. Seeing cute things activates our brain reward system in the same way drugs do. Thus, we are motivated to care for cute animals unconditionally and safeguard them from danger.