About Me

My name is Kai. I am a sophomore (Year 2), majoring in psychology at Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in Singapore. Over my summer break, I had the opportunity to learn more about environmental efforts and the threat of climate change. Combining elements of conservation and psychology is a rather unique academic domain and this implores me to explore more. I was inspired to select ecological guilt as the topic for my blog project, after reading about Swedes feeling guilty of flying and the environmental damage of flying. With the advice of Professor Gumert, I explored ecological grief in this blog as well. In this blog project, I hope to bring a psychological dimension behind the reasoning, consequences and coping ability to deal with ecological guilt and ecological grief.

I love travelling, reading books and exploring different cultures. I am interested in learning more about how psychology can help overcome environmental challenges and how environmental challenges will affect our psychological mindset and mental health. Thank you for taking the time to read my blog ๐Ÿ™‚

Feel free to reach out to me at P180027@e.ntu.edu.sg ย or www.linkedin.com/in/teo-jing-kai-61-simplyfekai