
  • Strict Laws to protect pandas

In 1962, pandas were made protected animals and efforts were being made towards panda conservation. However, since pandas lived in the wild and away from humans, not much was known about them at the time and measures were limited or ineffective.

Then, in 1987, the government made a huge contribution to panda conservation. At that point in time, the largest threat to pandas was panda poaching due to the high demand for panda furs. This became a huge source of revenue for China. However, they made new legislation that made poaching of pandas illegal. Those who were caught received heavy penalties, ranging from ten years jail to the death sentence. While these penalties have since been lightened, they are still very heavy and active deterrents to protect pandas.

  • Setting up panda reserves

The Government has set aside many parcels of forested land for pandas instead of setting them aside to be cleared for development. As of the moment, there are more than 60 official panda reserves in China, covering vast tracts of land. Even now, new reserves are constantly being set up and old reserves are being expanded, sometimes of the cost of existing settlements.

Reforestation of bamboo is also carried out in these reserves, increasing food supply for pandas. This also links the fragmented bamboo pockets, increasing genetic diversity and allowing for better future growth for pandas as they can now mix.

  • Working together with NGOs

The Chinese Government is known for its authoritarianism, in which they do not seek the help of others and are the sole decision makers.

However, they have acknowledge the importance of non-governmental organization(NGOs), local and international, in panda conservation. To this effect, the government has opened up and allowed NGOs to play a bigger role in conservation. Addtionally, efforts have been made to deepen ties with NGOs, so as to protect the pandas.

This helps to ensure flow of knowledge and information. Thus, there would be more and better conservation efforts in the future as the brightest and most passionate come together across borders to save the pandas.

  • Funding

The Government is a huge source of funding for panda conservation. This allows China to have excellent panda conservation programs and facilities, such as the Chengdu Panda Base.

Without this funding, many of the advances made in panda conservation, especially in panda breeding, would not have been possible as it requires advanced and expensive technology and many highly trained professionals. This would not be possible solely on donations and tourists dollars.



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