Cleanup methods on water

There are many methods which oil can be cleaned up from the water surfaces. This page aims to give a brief overview of such methods.

    • Boom: Physical barriers made of plastic, metal or other materials, that float on the water surface are placed to slow down and contain the spread of the oil
Boom used to contain oil spill. (
    •  Skimming: Usually done to prevent oil from reaching the coastlines, these machines remove oil from the water surface that the boomers contained
Close up of skimming device on side of a boat with oil and boom.
Skimmers used to remove oil from water surface. (
  • In-situ burning: Fire is set to the oil as a way of getting rid of fresh oil (caution is used with this method, as it might cause damage to endangered species)
  • Dispersants: Chemicals are sprayed into the oil, causing the molecules to break down into tiny bits so that they do not stay on the surface (this prevents the oil from affecting the shores)

In Singapore, the 2 commonly used methods are booms and skimming, with dispersants as a method advised only in more severe situations.