
Hello! I’m Tee Hui Xian, a final year undergraduate majoring in Psychology at Singapore’s Nanyang Technological University (NTU). This blog part of a required project for HP3801: Conservation Psychology, under Dr Michael Gumert.

I have always loved exploring new places, and I am the type of traveler that marvels at how amazing nature can be. Taking hikes up mountains to see the sunrise, and camping in a valley to take portraits of the milky way were a few of my memorable experiences. The scenes that I see – mountains, lakes, clouds, animals – were all different and marvelous.

My favourite picture at Ali Shan, Taiwan!

However, there was one common theme to these scenes. They were littered with waste, hiding innocuously under a tree or floating at the river banks. As such, I decided to focus on one particular form of waste: Electronic Waste. With every single person I see, they all possess at least 1 type of electronic. The purpose of my blog was for me to discover what happens to electronics when they are discarded, what are their harmful effects, and what are the possible solutions to this issue.

This blog is also for many people out there, who like me, are not too familiar with the reality of E-waste. E-waste is not being seen as a major problem in Singapore right now, but it is rising up the ranks to become one. Hopefully, we can take more upstream solutions in order to reduce this unwanted legacy of our digital age.