Repopulation of Javan Rhinos?

One might actually wonder what else can we do after reducing or eliminating human threats from happening. Well, captive breeding could be done so as to help accelerate the breeding process of the Javan Rhinos. Captive breeding can be defined as the process of breeding animals in controlled environments and in this case it would take place in the national parks (Collins Dictionary, 2017). However, this process would also take years, and is still subjected to the animals themselves.

Source: Wardlow

Another issue that surround this possible solution would be a question revolving around ethics and morality. Some might argue that it would be unethical and immoral to enact human influence in the natural sexual intercourse of animals, while others may share utilitarian values that such measures are neccessary for the recovery of the species which contributes to greater good.

So what do you think? I will leave the freedom to you!