
DiCaprio has impacted many others with his relentless and vigorous environmental activities. He donated a lot of money to different platforms working on environmental causes, increasing awareness of and providing financial and emotional support for these issues. He gives charity donations and speaks up about environmental issues. He attended various environmental events as well, with one being him marching through the street of Manhattan with 400,000 others on addressing the danger of climate change to the United Nations in 2014.

As he is such an influential environmental figure due to his never-ending efforts on saving the biodiversity, Enric Sala claimed,

He (DiCaprio) has a megaphone that nobody else on the planet has. He is so respected and admired and influential all around the world from the general public to head of state, so when he says something people listen.

DiCaprio has increased awareness and knowledge of various environmental problems to the general population. He has impacted numerous people through his engagement in environmental causes. I, if not many other people, look forward to his future projects!

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