Danger of noise pollution


Noise pollution can lead to Noise-Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL). Singapore is a densely populated city area, this increases our exposure to noise, which over time can lead to hearing loss. In addition, prolonged exposure to noise can increase our blood pressure. Alike diabetes, increase in blood pressure levels results in the increase of the risk in suffering from cardiovascular problems.


Noise can affect our daily life by distracting us from what we are trying to do.  While distracted, noise can impair task performance, lead to a lack of concentration, cause annoyance and even result in a person being more aggressive.  In severe cases, it can cause sleep-related disorders and attention disorders, especially in children.


Rhesus monkey's life is disrupted due to increased stress. They showed a permanent increase in blood pressure after a prolonged exposure to noise.  



The desert kangaroo rat's survivability is greatly impaired. Its ability to detect its natural predator, the rattlesnake, is drastically reduced due to prolonged exposure to noise.



Nightingales in a coping response to urban noise started singing at a loud 95 decibels.



Sonar systems are used in the seas for communication and navigation. However, marine life such as dolphins has suffered as a result. Noise from the sonar system interfered with the dolphin's echolocation and disrupted their communication and behavior. Under serious exposure to noise, they may die.

Noise can affect plants indirectly. Plants require humans or animals help to spread its seeds and germinate.  Noise affects the behaviors of both humans and animals which disrupts the pattern of seed dispersal, which creates a negative consequence for the species that depend on the plant for survival.