Nov - 15 2017

Otters! (image credits:   After looking at the many ways in which Wildlife Reserves Singapore has contributed to conservation efforts both locally and globally, what can we do on our part?   One way in which we can contribute is to participate in the activities organized by Wildlife Reserves Singapore. As mentioned in this […]

Nov - 15 2017

The Wildlife Reserves Singapore Conservation Funds also supports both local education outreach programs, aimed at educating the local public. In addition, the WRSCF also organizes large-scale seminars and workshops that involves professionals across different fields and from different countries around the world. Let’s take a look at some of the outreach programs below!   ISTANA […]

Nov - 15 2017

Other than educating the public about conservation issues through the 4 zoological parks in Singapore, Wildlife Reserves Singapore also engages in various other conservation efforts through the Wildlife Reserves Singapore Conservation Funds.   RESEARCH GRANTS   Wildlife Reserves Singapore provides grants for locally-based research on Singapore’s wildlife. The projects should include one or more of […]

Nov - 10 2017

Young children are susceptible to learning. From ages 6 to 14, children undergo both physical and mental development, which helps in establishing their sense of identity (Eccles, 1999). One important aspect of identity in which conservationists attempt to influence is that of environmental identity – the degree to which the natural environment and our relation […]

Nov - 10 2017

How much do you know about the various animals at the zoological parks?   Educational Signboards at Night Safari (image credits: TripAdviser Singapore)   Merely looking at the animals in their exhibits do not hold much educational value. Most exhibits in the zoological parks are accompanied with signboards, which helps to pass on important information […]

Nov - 04 2017

Before we begin this section, how about a quick poll?   Which is your favourite animal? Snake Panda Sparrow Tiger poll maker   Am I right to guess that panda and tiger were the more popular choices?   Pandas and tigers are considered charismatic megafauna, also known as flagship species. These species are usually large, […]

Nov - 04 2017

RESEARCH JOURNALS   Ajzen, I. (1991). The theory of planned behavior. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 50, 179-211.   Ducarme, F., Luque, G. M., & Courchamp, F. (2013). What are “charismatic species” for conservation biologists? Biosciences Master Reviews, 10, 1-8.   Eccles, J. S. (1999). The development of children ages 6 to 14. The […]

Nov - 04 2017

Here are the links to the official websites of some of the organizations and the zoological parks mentioned in this blog!   ORGANIZATIONS Wildlife Reserves Singapore   ZOOLOGICAL PARKS Jurong Bird Park Night Safari River Safari Singapore Zoo   PROGRAMS AND ACTIVITIES WRS Conservation Funds WRS Living Classrooms

Nov - 04 2017

Primary school zoo overnight camp!   Hello! Thank you for taking the time to look at my blog!   My name is Lim Mei Ling, and I am currently a 3rd year undergraduate majoring in Psychology in Nanyang Technological University (NTU). This blog was created for a module (HP3203 Conservation Psychology) offered by the University […]

Oct - 25 2017

Wildlife Reserves Singapore runs a total of 4 zoological parks in Singapore, namely the Singapore Zoo, Night Safari, River Safari, and Jurong Bird Park. Click on the interactive map below to find out more about the locations and details of these zoological parks!     Interactive map showing the locations of the 4 zoological parks […]

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