About Me

Hi everyone! I am Shanice and I love dancing and scuba diving! I have been dancing for almost 8 years and been competing actively since 2012, representing Singapore locally and overseas. The style of dance I do is ‘Locking’ and my aim is to prolong this longevity of dance for as long as I can.

Aside from dancing, I have also decided to pursue a side line in scuba diving. I obtained my basic level last year during my birthday and this December, I will take an advanced course together with a specialty certificate in Wreck Dive.

I am a final year student, currently taking Conservation Psychology. This module really opened my eyes to a lot of things that I either had no knowledge of, or am just plain ignorant of the minute things that I do in my daily life that actually causes major impacts to the environment.  

Recently, there was a video circulating on Facebook talking about oysters and plastics. I was really overwhelmed by it and I decided to take on this topic to share more of it with you. Happy reading!


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