About Me

I am Chelsea Yong, a Year 2 Psychology student from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. I am currently reading the module – Conservation Psychology, and this module has opened up my perspectives towards the relationship between humans and the environment. This blog is created as part of the learning journey for this module, and I have chosen the topic of Waste Disposal in Singapore. 

You might be wondering why am I interested in waste disposal? It all started a few years back, when the NEA started placing recycling bins at different locations around the housing estates, and one of the bins happened to be placed at the foot of my housing block.

Image Credit: TODAYonline

Ever since then, I started observing that the residents were not recycling the right way. They were throwing all kinds of trash into the recycling bins. What surprised me more was that, there were general waste rubbish bins around, however, people still threw inappropriate rubbish into the recycling bins. Such a phenomenon started to make me ponder upon the amount of wastes Singaporeans produce and more importantly how could these wastes be recycled properly.

With that, I aim to dwell upon the reasons why Singaporeans generate so much waste and do not dispose their trash correctly. This blog will therefore shed some insights on waste disposal and recycling in Singapore.

Let’s start!