Environmental Education

Environmental education imparts knowledge, and urges people to gain ownership and develop empowerment which is important to the development of appropriate attitudes and behavior. Furthermore, environmental education could make an impact on a wide range of individuals, and is the stepping stone to help promote harmony between mankind and the environment.

Similarly in the Belgrade Charter for the Environmental Education:

“The goal of environmental education is to develop a world population that is aware of and concerned about, the environment and its associated problems, and which has the knowledge, skills, attitudes, motivations and commitment to work individually and collectively toward solutions of current problems and prevention of new ones.”

Here you will be introduced to some of the environmental education programs which are implemented within our Singapore schools and community.


These environmental education programmes begin with the young children in kindergartens, and continue as they become youths. All of these programmes have one thing in common – it focuses on providing information together with hands-on projects of reducing waste or recycling. This attracts the students’ interest and will keep them engaged while they partake in the fulfilling learning journey.