Threat Appraisal Process


Created by Chow Si-Ting, Tracy


The first process of protection motivation theory is the “threat appraisal process”. Here, the individual will assess the threat based on the nature and magnitude of the hazard. Three factors are considered when evaluating the threat.


(1) Values

Values and sources of information will influence the perceived severity and perceived vulnerability of the threat.

A person will perceive an element in their environment as a threat when it puts something that they value at risk. These values can include one’s safety, personal assets, and the loss of family and community members.

The accuracy and timeliness of the information, and the source the community receives the information from determines whether one perceives that there is a threat. This highlights the need to educate the community about the possible strategies to protect themselves against natural hazards and for the respective authorities to put in place the necessary infrastructures to warn the community about possible floods or droughts.

During the monsoon season, those living near the Mekong river could be affected by floods when the dams are released. These individuals often do not have the knowledge or have the required resources to cope with floods. It is also likely that their livelihood is highly dependent on fishing and/ or cultivating crops in the region. Hence, in the event of a flood, it may have the potential to wipe out their entire livelihood. As the release of dam water is often instructed by their government or the government of neighbouring countries, delayed or lack of information to these communities can prevent them from escaping in time.


(2) Perceived severity

Perceived severity can be defined as in the event that a threat were to take place, how much impact would the threat have on the items that one values. Features used to assess the threat are the magnitude and the frequency of the hazard. For example, if a flood were to occur, how much damage would the flood have on valued items such as their own life, their assets and their family members?


(3) Perceived vulnerability

Perceived vulnerability is the likelihood of the event occurring in the future. This is the person’s estimation of the probability of a natural hazard happening.


Is there a threat?

If a certain level of threat is perceived in the threat appraisal process, the individual will then proceed to the coping appraisal process.