Where Do We Go From Here?


Though the constructions of dams are done with good intent, to provide energy to countries most in need of electricity, there will be repercussions if its impacts are not considered. Social-economic progress is ideal, but we cannot do this at the extent of ecosystems and the services that it provides. This highlights the importance of the need for regional agreements that will address the transboundary impacts of dam construction in the Lower Mekong Basin.

Governing the Mekong River can be a tremendous challenge as development in the upper portions of the river will affect the lower portions due to the interconnectedness of the ecosystem. As the Mekong River cuts across geopolitical boundaries, any impact brought about by regional development will be a transboundary matter.

To ensure sustainable development along the Mekong River, the Mekong River Commission (MRC) was formed to ensure cooperation among the countries.




This comparison shows the extent of the Mekong drought on the Thai/Lao border (top) and the Tonle Sap Lake (bottom) on July 15, 2019 (right) compared to a normal monsoon season on the same date in 2017 (left). (Image Source: Planet Labs Inc.)