About Me

Hello there! I’m Yun Yee, a final year Psychology Major in NTU. Growing up in an urban city, I didn’t have much exposure to the natural world. However, travelling in different countries allowed me to explore nature in various climates, and allowed me to gain an appreciation for nature. Conservation Psychology was a way for me to further understand the natural world, and how we can encourage more to behave sustainably.

While I do have my own reusable bag, water bottle and utensils, there’s still a long way to go in reducing my own plastic packaging waste. Join me today in helping to save the world, one plastic bag at a time!


This blog aims to:

  • Introduce the issue on plastic packaging waste
  • Explain the reasons behind this phenomenon
  • Highlight the impacts of plastic waste
  • State existing measures
  • Recommend interventions that consumers, businesses and governments can adopt