
Recycling our plastic packaging is another way to close the resource loop. Several initiatives provided incentives for consumers to recycle their plastics.

In 2019, NEA collaborated with IKEA Singapore on a joint recycling initiative to support the cultivation of good recycling habits in households and increase the rate of household recycling. 18,000 new HDB BTO flats received vouchers to redeem a free recycling bin from IKEA Singapore. These household recycling bins serve as a visual reminder to practice recycling when they move into their new homes, similar to the affordance theory of providing a conducive environment for sustainable behaviour to occur.

NEA also embarked with F&N on an initiative to place 50 Reverse Vending Machines (RVM) across Singapore & schools. These machines can identify, sort, and collect empty plastic drink bottles and aluminum drink cans and reward users when they do so. This initiative aimed to encourage Singaporeans to adopt an environmentally conscious lifestyle by offering a convenient and rewarding way to recycle. When households recycle their drink containers, they will stand to receive discount coupons from various organisations. This provides an incentive for desirable behaviour, such as recycling plastic packaging. As a result, these machines have collected 2.4 million drink containers from October 2019 to March 2020.

A promotional video under the ‘Recycle Right’ Campaign for cinemas, educating cinema-goers on how to recycle.

To increase the general public’s knowledge of sustainability and recycling, the ‘Recycle Right’ Campaign was launched in 2019. Under the National Recycling Programme (NRP), it sought to increase the public’s familiarity with the blue recycling bins near their homes. Posters and marketing videos helped households remember and differentiate recyclables and non-recyclables and reduce contamination of recyclable materials with food or liquids. These materials were publicised through HDB lift doors and notices, transport hubs, and social media. Interactive games were also held to reinforce the campaign’s messages interactively.

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