
To counteract the massive amounts of wastes generated in Singapore, the government has come up with a ‘Zero Waste Master Plan,’ which includes campaigns to encourage the public to reuse packaging.

The ‘Bring Your Own’ Campaign by Zero Waste SG has been occurring since 2017. It aimed to encourage consumers to use reusable bags and containers when they buy takeaway food, beverages, and groceries. More than 400 retail outlets have since joined the campaign and provided incentives to consumers who bring their own packaging. As a result, the campaign has saved approximately 2 million pieces of plastic packaging.

Clean & Green Singapore also launched the awareness campaign in 2019, ‘Say YES to Waste Less.’ It aimed to build public awareness on excessive consumption of disposables & its impact on Singapore’s environment and future generations. The critical message, ‘Make the Right Choice. Choose Reusables,’ reached millions through traditional and digital channels.
Retail partners also helped encourage consumers to make the right choice at points of consumption through virtual reminders at cashier points while providing incentives to use reusables.

   A promotional music video on how to waste less plastic. Video by Clean Green Singapore.

With ongoing campaigns to raise awareness about the environmental issues related to plastic and encourage consumers to reuse packaging, there might be a decrease in plastic waste in the future.

Next: Recycle