Media influences

Increasing environmental awareness in media 

Info Magazine - Focus on COP 21 and the Business of Climate Change by French Chamber of Commerce in Great Britain - issuu
Magazine cover by INFO magazine Source:

With the rise of technology, people are able to broaden access to media outlets. We able to enjoy a plethora of media through the Internet – movies, shows and news not only from local sources, but from international outlets as well. Media revolves around our lives and its constancy has been increased through people’s frequent use of technology. As such, it is of no wonder that media is a powerful tool to reinforce environmental concerns and cultivate environmental identity.

Printed media 
Traditionally, media types such as radios, television and newspapers are effective tools for spreading environmental and conservation information to the masses. Printed media such as magazines and brochures enables the dissemination of environmental information to be visually appealing through illustrations and photos.
Additionally, the short yet informative texts on magazines and brochures are easily digestible for all readers. For example, environmental magazines such as “Down to Earth” touches on a wide range of environmental related issues, information and campaigns. Both local and global environmental topics are talked about, with differing difficulties that caters to all educational levels.

Movies* are also frequently used as a tool to cultivate environmental identities of readers as they are effective in evoking emotional responses through cinematography. Effects of environmental problems become more amplified through the big screens. To add on, future environmental issues and consequences (which are not realized yet) can also be visualized through special effects. This enables audiences to internalize the gravity of our environmental degradation. Audiences are thus able to bring back environmental messages which can be helpful for conservation.
Adršpach-Teplice Rocks: The Chronicles of Narnia Filming Locatation Tour 2020 - Wroclaw
Set scene from the movie ‘The Chronicles of Narnia’ Source:
*It should also be highlighted that movies may also bring misinformation as well. As movies relates more to entertainment than education, its portrayal of the environment may be inaccurate. Additionally, movies tend to romanticize environmental elements, leading to misinformed environmental problems and consequences. Hence, one should not base all environmental information from it.