
“Why should I spend more money if there is a cheaper alternative?”

Honestly, every time I ask my friends what keeps them away from green cleaning products, they always say the price. They have this assumption that eco-friendly products are always more expensive and therefore they have never purposely looked for or even bought one.

But is that really the case?

During my trip to one supermarket nearby, I came across these two products.

Looking at these two photos above, obviously the greener choices are more expensive.

However, not all eco-friendly brands are way more expensive, thankfully.

Although the majority of green cleaning products are still slightly more expensive than conventional ones, one study showed that people actually do not mind to spend more on natural cleaning products as long as they do not harm the environment. This finding is debatable, though. People sometimes do not behave in reflection of their attitudes. Therefore, we might tell others that we are willing to pay more money on green products, but in reality, we might think twice.

Luckily, homemade alternatives are available. So you can save money and save the environment, too!

More reasons why people skip green cleaning…