Singaporeans Attitude Towards the Forestfires

The haze has certainly been a nuisance to Singaporeans. Numerous reports and complaints about the haze can be seen in the media on a yearly basis. In my survey, I asked my Singaporean respondents to rate how disrupted are their daily activities when the haze come from the scale of 1 to 10. The average respond was 7.4 with the median number 7.

Again on the same scale, the same group of people were ask if they feel personally responsible for the fires in Indonesia which cause the haze. The average respond was 1.8 while the median was 1.  Most people in Singapore do not feel personally responsible for the fires.

Most of the blame are put on the government and the farmers:

Such attitudes are not unexpected. There has been no regulated campaign in Singapore educating the people about the connection between their household consumption and the fires. The media has not been helpful either. They generally drive the public’s opinion into blaming solely the farmers and the Indonesian government. More on the impacts of the media can be found on the ‘Media’ page.