The Blogger

Nina Salina Nina is a current 3rd year Psychology student in NTU.  She enjoys being in nature settings when she goes for jogs along the NPark connectors, and when she has picnics and barbecues with her family and friends at places like Woodlands Waterfront Park and East Coast Park.  She finds delight in encountering wildlife; a lazy afternoon stroll in NIE yields sightings of various species of birds, butterflies and even lizards.  She regrets not having the opportunity nor having put in the effort when she was younger, to know more intimately the natural environment and the wildlife in it. Now, she can barely identify the different species of trees (in the absence of their fruits, if any) or the different species of birds, for example. She believes she shares this inability with many youths in Singapore.

The realization that green practices in our daily lives are not just good to do but in fact, essential, has encouraged her to take on a more active role. She is very conscious of the use of plastic bags, declining whenever possible when making purchases. She refrains from printing notes whenever possible, preferring to access them online, in a bid to slow down the demand for paper. She also attempts to influence and encourage people in her social circle to adopt more environmental-friendly practices. Her dad has installed water saving devices at home and her mum only washes clothes when there is a full load in the washing machine. She encourages her friends to deposit their stacks of lecture notes into the recycling bins available instead of into the common rubbish bins.