Value-Attitude-Behaviour Model

How important is protecting the natural environment for you?

How much do you value the banded leaf monkeys in Singapore?


In studying human thought and behaviour towards wildlife, the cognitive hierarchy framework explains that values influence behaviour indirectly through beliefs, attitudes and intention. It implies that the influence flows through a hierarchy of cognitions, from abstract cognitions (i.e. values) to mid-range cognitions (i.e. attitudes and norms) to specific behaviour.


Domination and mutualism are two predominant wildlife value orientations that can predict people’s attitudes, norms and behaviours toward wildlife in specific situations. People with domination wildlife value orientation believe that wildlife should be used and managed for human benefit and are more likely to prioritise human well-being over wildlife. Conversely, those with mutualism wildlife value orientation see wildlife as part of an extended family, deserving of care and rights like humans. They are more likely to participate in wildlife-related recreation activities such as wildlife viewing, and they are more likely to support for wildlife management interventions.

Emotions towards Wildlife

Banded leaf monkeys can evoke strong positive and negative thoughts, feelings and actions in people. Emotional responses towards banded leaf monkeys can be caused by several factors:

  • innate preferences – can result people to avoid or attend to and respond to this species
  • past experiences – can reinforce or transform the way people react to this species
  • knowledge – the learning and acquired knowledge of this species can be interpreted into a conscious experience
  • emotional expressions of animals – when this species behaves calmly, people tend to feel calm as well

One important practical implication of revealing the diversity in public responses to wildlife and wildlife-related issues is that instead of one developing one intervention for all people, specific intervention strategies should be matched to the needs and values people hold.