
“Home is where the heart is”

And where the home is, there is furniture. Lots of furniture.

If we are intending on taking on an organic lifestyle, the best place to start is from our own home. It might be a tad bit impractical and costly to throw everything out just to make way for new organic renovations and upgrades, but what we can do is to begin in increasing our knowledge at the very least on how to make our house a more healthy home.


The benefits of a healthy home with organic furniture and furnishings is that everything gives off a scent. Sometimes the scent is stronger, sometimes it is hardly noticeable. Many furniture products are glued together with glue that contains the human carcinogen formaldehyde. We do not want to be breathing in these toxic offgasses. The trick is to keep an eye out for eco-friendly furniture.

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Eco-friendly furniture may not be readily available at common furniture stores but it is good to know that The Singapore Environment Council certifies eco-friendly consumer products in Singapore with The Singapore Green Labelling Scheme. Be sure to ask the sales staff about the material of the furniture or better yet, if the furniture is eco-friendly whenever looking to purchase new furniture for your home. It never hurts to ask. Do also remember that wallpaper, floorings, and paint should all be eco-friendly when possible as well.

Here is a very useful article to help you make a mental checklist of what to look for when shopping for the home.


✿ P.S, vintage furniture is a great alternative to sourcing for brand new organic furniture as vintage is almost always sustainable and eco-friendly! Offgassing is also not a concern anymore as the chemical emissions from the products used in these vintage items would have finished up a long time ago.


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