

If there is anything I wish to achieve from this blog, it is for you readers to hopefully be inspired to go organic in any aspect possible. One of the goals of conservation psychology is to ameliorate environmental problems. When you make that choice to opt for an organic lifestyle for yourself and your family, it may not immediately and completely fix the current environmental situation we have that has spanned over years and years of widespread abuse of this planet we live in, but you taking that step will most definitely help. If the Organic Lifestyle goes from being a trend to a community to a culture, we could create a ripple effect and someday soon, that little step we had first taken in changing our lifestyle to an organic one was what led to bigger change for the betterment of our home, Mother Earth.

“Being good is commendable, but only when it is combined with the quality of doing good that it does humanity the best”

I know I probably have not covered all areas of an Organic Lifestyle here, so do leave a comment or feel free to drop me any feedback at my email (diyanahabdulkadir@gmail.com) if you would like to share more information about the rapidly growing organic culture around us.

Taking a look under the About section of the blog, you would have seen that one of my goals is to open a fashion boutique-cafe selling organic clothes and organic food someday. However that future looks very far-fetched at this point. The following are several ways in which me and you can both do our part to slowly climbing on the organic bandwagon in our daily lives based on the three aforementioned topics – organic farm produce, food locations, and fashion retailers. Follow the hyperlinks or explore the pages listed in the drop-down menu on the left.

Do also have a look at this quick video in which famous Hollywood actress-turned Mum-turned Organic Lifestyle activist Jessica Alba shares a little about her new book; The Honest Life. This video if anything, inspires you to want to make the change the way she has and you can learn to better do so with her book (and with some bits of information you’ve gotten from this blog over here too I hope). I however definitely know what I’m getting my loved ones for Christmas this year!

Video from www.youtube.com

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