How Psychology plays a part

Though there are many psychological theories related to environmental threats, Nouvian has particularly utilised one of the theory to advocate for behavioural change.

The Lazarus theory on response to stress notes the few ways humans could have responded to environmental threats, and explains how failure to act can occur when the threat seems unstoppable.  Stressors may come from environment degradation, coupled with poverty, marginal health and nutrition, education, thus creating a vicious cycle of disempowerment and fatalism, despite inspiring initiatives taken by some to stop this cycle. Stressors can also come from our knowledge and beliefs about environmental losses as well as the direct experiences of important values that are threatened. This point would be more relevant to the Conservation of the sea, where Nouvian strives to educate the public through releasing pictures and specimen which can be referred to as the cream of the crop.

In this situation where we assume humans (generally, the consumers) have little control over this environmental threat, people cope either the problem-focused way by changing aspects of the situation, or the emotion-focused way by using protecting themselves to decrease the discomfort of stress, such as avoidance, denial or wishful thinking. Obviously, the easier and more common way out is the emotion-focused way. However, Claire Nouvian has sought to bring interest to the public instead, almost asking the public to reconsider their perspective on the conservation of this topic. At the end of her exhibition, she introduces industry practices that have been harming the deep sea. While she does not directly state in black and white what we should do or not do, she subtly puts her point across by evaluating mankind’s impact on the deep sea, allowing the masses to judge for themselves. This can help to reduce the possibility of consumers engaging in impractical avoidance and encourages them to engage in more problem-focused ways of changing tiny aspect of the whole situations. Though a daunting project, this encapsulates Nouvian’s remarkable fortitude and initiative.