International agreements

International agreements are necessary because the damage caused is not solely the responsibility of one country. Different states have to cooperate and abide by the agreement for it to be successful.

S2An example will be The Basel Convention, an agreement signed by 170 countries that looks into how they can manage hazardous waste- the storage, transport and the finals disposal. This includes trying to resolve the problem of water pollution as well as wastes that are constantly being dumped into the oceans.



S4Another example is the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) responsible for the protection of endangered and threatened species. This agreement act as a deterrence for international trade to occur, protecting the survival of wild animals and plants.


Exploitation of some wild animals are high and together with other factors such as habitat loss, the animals are close to being extinct. It is hence important to have such regulations among countries to safeguard the different species for the future. More often than not, the trade takes place across borders and therefore requires international effort to protect certain species from over-exploitation.

Rising tread for illegal trade raises concern

Rising tread for illegal trade raises greater concern

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