Protect marine ecosystem

WWF makes sure that sea turtles have sufficient options available for nesting, feeding and to migrate. In addition to initiating conservation efforts, WWF gets help from the government and conservationists. With the aid of the government, information can be shared to more people and with the knowledge of the experts, it will be easier to convince people to take part in conservation as well.

Resulting from the combined effort, there will likely be more successful interaction between maintaining the ecosystem and tourism, and at the same time providing more job opportunities instead of illegal harvesting of endangered animals.

  • Reducing the impact caused by climate change

Major fluctuations has been observed in the climate and are affecting the survival of sea turtles. WWF manages and protects the nesting beaches and also help them to adapt to the climate change to prepare itself for future drastic change in the climate. In addition, measures have been taken to raise awareness on the threat of the rising sea level on sea turtles.

  • Satellite tracking

Researchers from WWF started placing tracking devices on sea turtles to track their whereabouts, to know where are the common feeding areas, to better understand their migration patterns and foresee where they will cross paths with fishing boats and the nets or lines they set out to capture marine animals.

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