Wildlife Preservation

Here are some efforts towards conserving specific animal species.

Leuser Ecosystem

The Leuser Ecosystem labelled in dark green

The Leuser Ecosystem labelled in dark green

The Leuser Ecosystem is an area listed by the World Conservation Union (IUCN) as one of the “World’s Most Irreplaceable Places”. It is the only place on earth where the Sumatran tiger, rhinoceros, orangutan and elephant can all be found living side by side and the last realistic hope for the long-term survival of each. Worryingly, this renowned forest is not being protected by any state or local spatial plan.

Sea Turtles

SeaTurtle-1600x600pxGroups such as Yayasan Pulau Banyak conduct geographic information system (GIS) mapping to record and monitor places where sea turtles hatch. In conjunction with this, they also embark on education programmes to teach people about the local biodiversity and natural environment. Read more about them here.


Sumatran-Tiger-13-HD-Images-WallpapersZoo Atlanta started a conservation programme to save the tigers of Aceh. They conduct tiger detection and threat surveys using camera traps to provide data on this area as a wildlife corridor, with the hope that this information will convince policymakers to preserve this habitat. You can find out more here.


Sumatran-Elephants-Riau-S-006Asian Elephant Support is participating in a significant endeavour with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Their aim is to engage legislators in Aceh Province, Indonesia and convince them to enact laws which gives greater protection towards elephants and other wildlife. They have conducted presentations and meetings with 13 of the 15 political parties in Aceh during the lead up to the local elections in April. They are also building a network of civil society organizations to contribute to this effort. There is more information about this here.


sumatran_orangutan_8.6.2012_Hero_and_Circle_image_XL_257636The Sumatran Orangutan Conservation Programme is trying to block a new spatial plan being pushed by the Government of Aceh that will legalise numerous new roads through Aceh’s forests and open up vast new areas to new timber, mining and plantation concessions. This new spatial plan completely ignores the existence of the Leuser Ecosystem. You can click here if you are interested to find out more.


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