


Writer and Professor Su Wei-Chen 苏伟贞 is the writer-in-residence of the Division of Chinese, NTU for this semester. This is the 2nd writer in residence of the Singapore Chinese Creative Writing Program launched by NTU and the National Arts Council (NAC) in 2012.  There is an exhibition of her works in the Chinese Library (S3.2-B5-01) from 5th August to 6th September, 2013, co-organized by the Division of Chinese and the Chinese Library, NTU.

Book Exhibition on Su Weizhen


We are delighted to invite YOU to the opening ceremony of this exhibition in the Chinese Library at 2:00pm-3:30pm on 16th August (next Friday), 2013.


  • Speech by the Deputy University Librarian
  • Speech by the Head of Chinese Division
  • Speech by Professor Su Wei-chen
  • Book autographing & presenting ceremony
  • Sharing session by Professor Su Wei-chen (conducted in Mandarin)
  • A walk through the exhibition & Tea reception

Opening Tea Reception