Your research findings can be conveyed beyond text and visual representations are one of them. Sign up for this talk by Christine Veras as she shares on using visual representations in your research!

20 March 2015
12.00pm – 1:30pm
NTU LT 24 (SS1-B2-03)


About this talk

Good design helps to establish a clear message and a trustworthy relationship with your audience, facilitating the way your research will be received and remembered. If you are not familiar with visual or design principles, you will still need to prepare visual descriptions of experiments and results in your research.

Come discover the possibilities of improving your visual thinking with “design for non-designers”. By participating in this talk, you will be able to better understand not only how ‘good design’ works but how it can help you to improve the visual representation in your research publications.

About the speaker

Christine Veras is a graphic designer and animator from Brazil that is currently pursuing her PhD at NTU School of Art, Design and Media in Singapore. Christine is also the Vice-President of Communication and External Relations of the NTU Graduate Student Council, being responsible for its branding development. A keen learner, she is particularly interested in the fields of visual arts, animation, design and its connections to past and present technologies.

Library Talk

There will be a 10-minute talk by NTU Libraries.

Title: Introducing infographics

Description: Whether you’re working on a presentation, a blog, or teaching materials, nothing tells a complex story faster than an infographic – get introduced to some free tools to help you create them!

Speaker: Hedren Sum, Assistant Librarian (New Media Group)

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