Got a strategy in place for your scientific publishing? Sign up for this talk by Professor Khor Khiam Aik of NTU to find out how you could develop your strategy!

24 March 2015
12.00pm – 1:30pm
NTU LT 24 (SS1-B2-03)


About this talk

We live in a “Publish-or-Perish” academic world and it is crucial to develop a plan to perform good research and to publish the results in an established peer reviewed journal. This talk will provide some insights into the common obstacles to academic publishing and the plans for developing a strategy to achieve a robust publication record. Getting a head start in academic publishing is crucial and such advantage can serve academics for the rest of their career. This talk will also cover how a young academic could develop an effective plan to achieve a cogent body of publications, based on the results of research and on fruitful collaborations.


About the speaker

Professor Khor Khiam Aik is the Director of NTU Research Support Office and Bibliometrics Analysis

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