Date: 23 March

Time: 12.00 pm – 1.30 pm

Venue: NTU LT 4 (NS4-02-34)

Struggling with or nervous about the pressures of getting published? Experiencing difficulties in achieving your publishing goals? Hear the real deal and get your questions answered by a variety of voices from NTU!


  • Associate Professor Alton Chua
    WKW School of Communication and Information
  • Assistant Professor Geoffrey Chua
    Nanyang Business School
  • Associate Professor Gao Huasheng
    Nanyang Business School
  • Associate Professor Laura Longo
    School of Art, Design and Media
  • Assistant Professor Kamaludeen Mohamed Nasir
    School of Humanities and Social Sciences


  • Akbar Hakim
    NTU Libraries

Register for the session.

