Academic Publishing Month


Attend the talk by Lyndsey Dixon of Taylor & Francis.

3 March 2014
12.00pm – 1:30pm
NTU LT 5 (NS2-02-07)


About this talk

The session will discuss:

• Journal publishing and the peer review process

• Writing for your chosen journal

• Reasons why journal articles are rejected

There will be a panel discussion with two editors of the Taylor & Francis journals:

The two panellists are

  • DENG Zongyi
    Associate Professor, National Institute of Education
    Executive Editor of  Journal of Curriculum Studies (TCUS)     
  • LEE Yew-Jin
    Associate Professor, National Institute of Education
    Editor of Pedagogies (HPED) 

About the speaker

Lyndsey Dixon is the Regional Journals Editorial Director, Asia Pacific in Taylor & Francis.
